You are listening to Life Song's life song! 



  1. Online Contact with Life Song to answer questions and define event.  

  2. Determine the specific Life Song package client is desiring.

  3. Written, phone, or Skype interview – Song genre determined.

  4. 50% deposit paid before writing begins.

  5. Writing process begins.

  6. Client’s first opportunity to critique the song based on the chorus and 1st verse presented as an acoustic recording (1 voice and 1 instrument).

  7. Based on clients critique, songwriting process will be completed.

  8. Client’s second opportunity to critique the completed song presented as an acoustic recording (1 voice and 1 instrument).

  9. Based on client’s 2nd critique, make any necessary changes to song and begin the recording process.

  10. Record and produce clients custom song.

  11. Final Payment is made to Life Song.

  12. MP3 or CD of song is sent to client.